If you can take 2 minutes to fill out this questionnaire, it will help us create better resources for YOU. We appreciate the feedback! What city do you reside in? (Ex: Tampa) * What state do you reside in? (Please spell it out. Ex: Florida) * What is your marital status? * Married Divorced Separated Single Prefer Not to Answer What is your ethnic background * White/Caucasian Asian/Eastern Asian-Indian Hispanic African-American Native-American Mixed Race Prefer Not to Answer Other What gender do you identify as? * Male Female Prefer Not to Answer Other What is your age? * 18 - 30 Years Old 30 - 45 Years Old 45+ Prefer Not to Answer How many children do you have? * None 1 2 - 4 More Than 4 Prefer Not to Answer Which languages do you speak? (Check all that apply) * English Spanish Portuguese French Mandarin Arabic Other What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed? * Some High School High School Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Ph.D. or Higher Trade School Prefer Not to Answer Other What is your current employment status * Employed Full-Time Employed Part-Time Seeking Opportunities Retired Prefer Not to Answer What is your annual household income? * Less than $25,000 $25,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $100,000 $100,000 - $200,000 More Than $200,000 Prefer Not to Answer What area of OCHR.Org resources can be most useful to you? * Legal Aid Mental Health & Wellness Education Prefer Not to Answer What information are you looking for in your co-parenting or custody process? * Have you reached out or engaged with any of OCHR.Org's Program Partners? * Yes No I Don't Know If yes, which partner program have you engaged with? * OPTIONAL: What is your email address? Optional: What is your name? First Name Last Name Thank you!