Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting this program!
Thank you to the following publications for featuring our work:
Our Children Have Rights
Published in Paradise News Magazine - September 2023
When Greg Hill became a father, he knew he would always want to be available to his son. Since Greg was not married to his son’s mother, under Florida law Greg had no legal rights to his child…
Representing Yourself in Family Court
Published in the Clearwater Beach & Bellaire Neighborhood News - August-September 2023 Edition
A commonly overlooked option while navigating the child custody process is Representing Yourself, or "Filing Pro Se". When parents split up, or are not together, and both parents want legal access to their child(ren)…
What is a Parenting Plan?
Published in the Clearwater Beach & Bellaire Neighborhood News - June-July 2023 Edition
A parenting plan is a document developed and agreed to by the parents of a minor child and approved by the court. Or, if the parents cannot agree on a plan, it will be established by the court…
OCHR.Org Introduction April-May
Published in the Clearwater Beach & Bellaire Neighborhood News - April – May 2023 Edition
When Greg Hill became a father, he knew he would always want to be available to his son. Since Greg was not married to his son's mother, under Florida law, Greg had no legal rights to his child…
OCHR.Org Introduction Feb-March
Published in the Clearwater Beach & Bellaire Neighborhood News - Feb - March 2023 Edition
When Greg Hill became a father, he knew he always wanted to be available to his son. Unfortunately, since Greg was not married to his son's mother and they were no longer in a relationship, under Florida law, he had no legal rights to his child…
Parenting Challenges Inspire Nonprofit Formation
Published in Destination Tampa Bay - October 2022
When Greg Hill became a father, he knew he would always want to be available to his son—teaching, guiding, and helping him grow into the best person he could be…